Feb 02 2010
Mugglesee is Berlin’s largest lake and fortunately not too far from where I live. I plan to take Warren and Alex there for a day when they arrive in mid-May. More of that in later posts.
As you know I had the flu for two weeks, and even needed another week to get rid of the ‘sniffles’. When I got a call recently asking me if I was interested to join a small group for a gallop around Mugglesee, I immediately said, ‘Yes!’. My Doc had said I needed fresh air, so I dressed in warm clothes and set off for the lake.
I was amazed to see it completely frozen over and covered in snow. The others were too, so we changed our plans and decided to walk across it, and into areas you cannot normally get into without a boat. It was a great experience and I took a few photos to share the experience with you.
After hours of walking and fresh air we ended up in a restaurant – as usual – and enjoyed some ‘Deftiges Essen’ and a glass of the beer made in the brewery on the side of the lake = from the (non-frozen ) water I had just walked over. Na prost!