Dec 01 2009
And yeah it came to pass! This morning I caught the 7:26 am tram to Micha’s place and arrived just after 8:00 in time for a cup of Micha’s steaming hot, strong coffee. Barely time to sip it before the bell rang and the man from Kabel-Deutschland arrived to install an internet connection.
Micha will get a newer computer for online in two weeks so to ‘bridge the gap’ I lent him my old ex-Jan and ex-Daniel laptop. I prepared it yesterday evening so all the anti-virus and other protection programmes were up-to-date. After an initial problem and then a hitch with his new telephone number, which needed a call to base, it burst onto/into the internet. Big smiles all round – including the technician!
Here you can see a very happy Micha and the laptop on the web page of his provider. Tomorrow I am going with him to lesson three of ‘Internet for Oldies’ at a place round the corner from where I live. At least he can practice at home and I have discovered that his favourite site is Well done Micha, I knew you could do it!