Nov 16 2010
What is that? It is a small ‘snack bar’ round the corner from our Photoshop course building. I know it means nothing to English speakers but for Germans it does.
Some marketing idiots many years ago in Germany came up with the idea of adding ‘Mc’/’Mac’ to a brand/shop to indicate that goods/services were cheap. It still annoys me whenever I see it for I know the history of how this image of the Scots came about.
I told Stefan about the new snack bar and name, so he took a photograph and used it as background to insert photos of us at our late summer meeting in Schröder’s garden house.
He prepared it all for our last lesson and so I start with Stefan’s very professional work, where he put our dancing Helga behind the tables and chairs.
I could only manage to put her on the bottom of the pic for we didn’t have time to hide her non-existent legs behind the furniture 🙂 In the next lesson we are going to do this.