Nov 29 2010
December and things
Nearly into the last month of this year. It is now really cold in Berlin and forecast to reach -7°C on Wednesday. Brrrrrr! Just think of warm summer days, John. Okay, I will!
November was generally a good month for me. I made some important changes at the start of the month and can look back and say I made the right decision(s). My left leg got worse over the month and I may have to consult my quack sometime over winter. I have put it off so far for I think he might send me back to hospital for checkups.
Andrea got back to Berlin last weekend after an interesting work experience period in Budapest. As well as learning the work of Parliament, she spent some time with senior politicians including talks and dinner with the Hungarian President. Wow, Andrea but there is nothing so grand waiting for you in Berlin.
She sent regular reports to friends and photos but she embedded all in PDF format. I couldn’t access them to get at her photos and post them to this blog. At least I saw them and can confirm that they showed her having a very interesting time. I want to take her out for a welcome back meal when she has time. Soon I hope. As you can see above, I have my knife and fork at the ready!!
It snowed here a couple of days ago. I took a photo from my balcony of the big tree in my back garden. I rather like it and the contrast of colours from my surviving flowers on my balcony. Forecasters say we are going to have a cold and long winter, on a level with last winter. Any of you thinking of visiting should wait until Spring. Berlin looks at its best then.
Who has a birthday in December? Micheal N. hits 47 on 5 December here in Berlin, Stefan our Photoshop Guru will be 50 on 7 December. My brother-in-law Geoff has his birthday on the 13th. Jordis celebrates her 31st with Mathias on the 19th. Julie B celebrates 36 with her family in Yorkshire on the 20th. Ian the Banker ends the month with his 49th on the 30th of December. Happy birthday to each and all!