I’m online again! It happened yesterday evening when Deutsche Telecom connected me to the internet. It only took them 3 weeks and 5 days of visits to their local shop and lots of telephone calls. I wonder if this is a German record of non-service.
I had no access to my telephones, WLAN including internet radio, or main cable connections. Communication was only via my old mobile phone. I missed the internet radio and telephone most. Here is a photo of my new router but doing nothing except showing it has a power connection!
Thanks for all your calls, e-mails which I could only read today and the nice comment on my last post. I notice the statistics when I opened my blog to write these words. I had 651 page views last month = when I could not post. Russia was at No.1 followed by German readers. I even had 30 page views today = before I added this post. Thanks to all for your understanding and patience.
I also got some fantastic news. Jan and Arancha had a daughter on Tuesday 10 January at 5:30pm. Her name is Emma and she arrived healthy and at just over 3 kilos. This morning I was able to open an E-mail account I use to communicate with Jan. I found some photos of her. I shall not post any until and unless her parents give me permission. I’m really looking forward to seeing them all and picking up Emma to give her a kiss and a big cuddle :-))
Who had/will have a birthday in February? My oldest and best friend Alan hit 74 on the 3rd. I’m sure he celebrated with Lynne in Casland! Jens W. was 47 on the 5th and celebrated with his family at their house near to the lake called Muggelsee in the south east of Berlin. I like going there in summer. My old boss Frau Dr. Inge P. will be 69 on the 18th. She was recently in St. Petersburg and Moscow and I look forward to seeing her and hearing about her time there. Eleonora will be 58 on the 22nd. I’m sure she will celebrate being the grandmother of Emma as well as her birthday then. Adrian Bridge in London will raise a glass to celebrate his 57th on the 25th February. Prost Adrian! Alan’s son Peter will celebrate his 37th birthday on the 28th February in Melbourne and so ends our birthday month. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ONE AND ALL