Nothing new happened last week. Taught the Oldies at the AWO, played host to visitors on Wednesday, went to the opening of my local SPD office, had coffee with Marita on Thursday followed by a meeting with a representative of the housing association to which I was elected as a local rep. just over a year ago.
On Friday I went to the housing association annual meeting in a hotel in the centre of Berlin which included a nice meal and wine! I went there last year so that was not new last week. I visited Oldie H. on Saturday and helped Bro.1 with his English homework on Sunday. Colin in Ozland had a birthday on Sunday. I mention this for I forgot to add it to the last birthday list. Sorry Colin!
The current week has nothing new except that I met the new Mayor of Lichtenberg (the district where I live) for coffee and cakes this afternoon. It was at a meeting of my SPD Oldies. He spoke well and answered all the question put to him although he is not a member of the SPD. On Thursday afternoon I am going to my AWO to see an exhibition of Female Art. I was invited and am interested to see what is on show.
I have just scanned a lot of photos of the French coast. I really like them. Here is one to remind me of mountains and snow ……..and skiing :-))