After that, it was back to the computer for the Labour International AGM via Zoom. Again interesting and I noticed how many members had strong feelings about a number of subjects. Last Monday I went to the BVG office at Lichtenberg to buy my monthly travel pass. Then I called my lawyer’s secretary and we made an appointment to get advice from my lawyer on Thursday afternoon. My lawyer is ill at the moment hence the delays. On Tuesday I met my AWO gang then went to the Telecom shop.
My phones stopped working on Monday and I am lost without them. They said I had to come again and bring all the phone parts for them to check. I did that this morning and was told that one of them didn’t work but no explanation. Back to Tuesday evening when I joined a LI Open Branch Meeting via Zoom for a discussion about Ukraine. I’m looking forward to tomorrow when I shall go to Johanna’s for her birthday breakfast and share a few hours with some other nice ladies.
Who has a birthday in April? Uli starts the week with his 75th birthday on the 6th. Petra will share her big day with Uli on the 8th. Over in Australia, Daniel Bateson will be 44 on the 9th. On the 11th, Dennis in California will celebrate his 67th with his wife and sons. Back in Germany the famous writer Neil Deane will celebrate his 65th on the 13th. Back to England and Matthew Bolton will hit 24 on the 14th. Staying in England, we find that my great-nephew Henri Lynch will be 12 on the 18th. Back to Berlin and my old business partner Mathias Gellrich will be 58 on the 19th. On the 22nd, Peter Legarth will be 59 on the 22nd. Birgit Fedor ends the month with her 58th birthday on the 24th. Happy Birthday to each and all of you no matter where you are!