Ja, ich bin Rücken! This is a bad translation of ‘I am back’. Correct is ‘Ich bin zurück’. I arrived in Berlin from a village south of Bremen last Monday evening. A good journey and always on schedule – thanks Deutsche Bahn. What a change from KLM!
Since then I have been trying to get back into life in Berlin. This has included helping on some election activities for the local SPD branch, washing, cleaning, preparing holiday photos for online, contacting people and making plans. The usual stuff. Now I hope to settle into regular updates of my blog. Thanks for being so patient.
I decided to update with a photo of Daniel taken this afternoon when we met for our first English session since he went to see family and friends in Moldova. He looked healthy and happy as you can see. He also brought me another special ‘brew’ made in Moldova. I shall share it with friends later.
I shall post about my travels but first let me update you on the latest ‘Blah, Blah’ I collected in England and mainly on BBC Radio 4. I shall mark each speaker with (m) for male and (f) for female. Daniel can speak better English than many people I heard on the island of Brexitland, and it is his fifth language!!
a conflicted city (f) a space of clear blue water (f) manage the concerns (m) running an agenda (m) to up a game (f) to earn back (f) to listen back (f) to sermonise (m) democratisation (m) reputation management (m) an iceberg of misinformation (f) and now my favourite UPSELLING! What kind of rubbish language is that?