Another week with the usual events. Nothing special to report. What Trump and Johnson have been doing during the week you can pick up on your local TV news, you don’t need me to tell you. The German government has decided to take some of the orphaned children off a Greek island and provide them with a home in Germany. Some on the right are angry about this, but I have a problem to understand them. We are talking about children – that’s all!
The big event of the week was yesterday afternoon in my garden. Three of my Kowalke Gang arrived with cakes, coffee and a bottle of sekt. Really nice to see them relaxing in the garden again. We are having good weather at the moment, for example: it was 24°C when they arrived. Nice and warm. Here is another photo of them enjoying the garden. I hope we can repeat it before the snow and ice arrive! We are meeting tomorrow for an open-air concert of Beethoven’s music. Looking forward to that. The number of people allowed into the arena has been reduced, but no surprise about that.