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My Blog Statistics

Someone recently asked me about how many people viewed my blog and where they came from. My answer was that I didn’t know. I had taken a decision not to add counters and things from Google when I started. I still like the idea of privacy on the web – must be showing my age by that comment!

I still hold to that view, but I began to wonder who in fact reads my blog. On my opening page I clearly state that is only for family and friends and anyone can add a comment. Yes, I left the comment section open – I like the idea of an open web as well!

Today I decided to look at the stats section of my blog. I knew the stat counter was there but in all this time have never been interested to look. My nose was clearly itching!  I was surprised by the results.

The total results are of course different from the monthly, weekly and daily stats. For example, I noted that the number of readers in the US has increased lately. Here is the total information of the top ten:-

Germany, United Kingdom, USA, Netherlands, France, Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Russia, Canada.  No surprises for me at the first four places, for that is where I knew family and friends to be when I started. The others were a surprise.

France, Japan and South Korea may be students of English who just stumbled onto my blog. Brazil must be Daniel, but who is reading my blog in Russia and Canada. Please contact me and let me know something about yourself.

I also have readers from Austria, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, but they were not in the top ten.

Other statistics may be of interest for the curious. Browsers used were Internet Explorer 48%, Firfox 33%, Safari 10%. Operating Systems were Windows 84%, Mac 11% Other Unix 3%. Mr Gates will be happy about this statistic 🙂

There is a lot of text here so let me add a pic, or two. The first is of my Christmas present from Liebe Andrea – its in a bottle! The second is of a violin for I am listing to Shostakovich’s 8th String Quartet as I am writing. Nice images to break up the text. Correct Jan?