I went to the famous Marzahn Erholungspark this afternoon. I met members of my Friday Photoshop Gang. Last week we decided to have an afternoon out and chose the Marzahn park.
I have been there a few times before and even reported about my visits on this blog. Even so, I really enjoyed meeting the Gang in such a pleasant green setting.
Unfortunately the initial greetings were not as nice as the park. A fat and ugly women sat in the cashier room and was not only rude but tried to cheat me out of €5 when I bought my entrance ticket.
In the Moorish Garden, a women guard complained when Stefan and I started to eat a chocolate bar – we finished it outside.
Next we wandered into a section with parts of the old Berlin Wall and then was told by a security man that we were not allowed to enter the area – there was no sign saying so! At that point I felt like leaving and asking for my money back.
We decided to wander further and just enjoy the park and its relaxing sights. The different gardens were more pleasant than the workers we met in the park! I think it will be a long time before I return.
We ended by having coffee and chatting about summer plans. We decided to close the course earlier for most will be away at different times during summer. I shall be in a workshop next Friday, then start my travels shortly after so today was my last meeting with the Gang.
I shall miss our meetings on Friday afternoons, but we meet again next October for another round of learning how to use Photoshop to change and create new pictures.