June and Things
June started with summer weather and visitors from Blighty. A very nice time with them all. It offers to be a quiet month based on travel of different kinds. Teaching at the institute has dried up and my private students want less help due to travel and business trips.
May was a very mixed month. My bicycle was stolen, Asus Laptop died, tea and coffee pots broke, kettle burnt out, my rucksack developed large holes and other small annoying things happened.
On the other hand, I bought a nice birthday present and had fun learning how to set up a W-Lan radio. I also had some interesting days out, cycle tours and more than one birthday meal!
Who has a birthday in June? My i-Mac is 4 years old today. I wonder if it will outlive my Asus? On the 19th June my father would have been 99 and my mother 93. They shared the same day.Teresa has her ‘over 50’ birthday on 23 June. Hermann will be 74 on the 25th and that’s it until July.
Happy Birthday to each and all and have a great day!