It was a strange week. I started the week with a cold which got worse. To the Doc’s and new medicine. A very bad cold compounded by allergie side-effects. I slowed down and spent more time at home resting.
One thing I didn’t miss was my Photoshop Gang on Friday. I was feeling much better by then so I packed my bag, bought rolls for Helga and hit the road.
Stefan had prepared a number of backgrounds and we had to learn how to make a jig-saw puzzle out of the picture. He had written instructions with pictures, but as we started we all made the same mistakes. Only then did we discover that not all the step-by-step instructions were on the pages.
He tried to add additional steps, per aural instructions, which led to confusion. He really worked hard to keep us together to end with the desired result. Here is mine. Thanks Stefan. Next week we are going to repeat the activity. We need it!