Left bed


On settling back into Berlin I decided to have a look around my garden. The idea came from Marjan in the Netherlands when she asked me about where I lived.

 Last Wednesday was a sunny spring day. After teaching my ‘Oldies’ I came home and took my camera into the garden.

I took a mixture of shots of the front of the flats and my back garden. Then I took a few of the flowers and bushes in the garden.

I hesitated about posting to the blog thinking it would not be interesting. I later had a conversation with someone. They thought it important for such a blog as mine, which is based on daily life and routine.

Okay, so here you have the shots. Actually, I was interested in playing around with the camera and trying different adjustments. Silke and I are planning a cycle tour next Tuesday to get more photos.

Top left: A view of the front of the flats.
Top right: A view of the back garden and the back of the flats. You can note that the balconies are on the back where we get the sun in the morning. My flat is in the middle on the right.

Bottom left: The seats, table and waste bin for grilling and picnics in warmer weather.
Bottom right: A shot behind the big trees in the middle of the garden towards the back of my flat.