Coronavirus is dominating most things where I live, and from radio/TV reports it is doing the same across the globe. Here, we have to wear a mask to get into local transport and enter supermarkets. I also wear rubber gloves when I go shopping and throw them away when I get home. Then it is time to wash my hands – again!
I recently got this photo of me on a local bike ride, and taken before my fall. I am still covering the leg wound with medicament I got from my doctor. Now the calf is expanding and going hard and I have pain in my ankles. We have a holiday weekend coming so I shall wait until next week to see how it is and decide to see the doc again – or not.
Who has a birthday in May?
Max in Berlin starts the month with his 37th on the 2nd May. Marcel M. in Hungary will be 26 on the 6th. Someone called John in Berlin will be 77 on the 8th May. A special day in German history. Isaiah in England will be 12 on the 10th May. Chain smoking Hans will be 69 on the 11th in Berlin. I wonder if he will smoke even more to celebrate! Over in the south-west of Turkey, Trish will be 68 on the 13th and back in Berlin, Heike D. will celebrate her birthday on the 16th. Moving to the famous small town of Silsden we find that my cousin Barbara will be 75 on the 20th. I wish I could be there to celebrate her big day for she is a wonderful person and a real pleasure to be with. Back to Germany and a nice town near Bremen where we find Holger W. celebrating his 56th with his family on the 31st May. He and his wife planned to spend it in Berlin but cancelled due to the virus. Perhaps next year when the virus is under control. Take care of your health, wear a mask, keep a distance and keep washing your hands!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY no matter where you are!