You know people at work and those who are your neighbours. But some of them are special people. To call them friends does not really describe the relationship. The key word is special and this is defined by each of us according to our values.
I’m lucky to know such people. Some of them are members of what I call my Kowalke-Gang. I’ve talked about them before so they are not new to you.
I’ve spent some time recently with some of them, and all of them. We gathered last Saturday and Sunday to eat, drink, talk and make jokes together.
Colin is in town. He lives in Australia but is finding his family roots by visits to Germany. He can now take part in a conversation in German!
Here is a photo of him with Jutta and one of the rest of the K-Gang. We are planning some trips to various places in the next few weeks. I’ll share the events with you via blog posts.