Trees: We’ve got more trees in the garden. A couple of days ago some gardeners arrived and started to dig big holes in the grass. They planted three trees that day and then two more the day after.
Another change to the garden since the land at the front was used to build another 78 flats. Some trees and bushes were re-planted in the back garden as building began. Nice, for the garden will have more green and shade in summer.
Health: I went to the new allergy practice yesterday morning. I had to wait 2 hours to see a doc. I wonder if the public health system here is getting more like the NHS in Brexitland? My eyes, nose and throat were checked and I got new nose and eye medicine.
I also got an appointment to have a new allergy test next Thursday morning. I hope I don’t have to wait another 2 hours for that! I’ve just telephoned the hospital again re: my spine/discs and got an appointment in two weeks. Last time I went there they did not have my name on their patients list! Making slow progress.
Meeting ‘The Bros’ later to look for affordable sport shoes then off to the Philharmonie with Johanna for an Easter concert. On Saturday The Kowalka Gang is meeting for breakfast and on Sunday I’m off to Johanna’s for lunch and a chat with her cousin Colin, who recently arrived from Australia. Looking forward to both sessions around the dining table. Enjoy your Easter holiday no matter where you are.