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Helping Janos

After helping the SPD, I jumped into a No. 17 tram and headed north. I live in the most southern part of Lichtenberg. My target was the Linden Centre in the northernmost part of Lichtenberg. Why?

I am a member of AWO, as you know if you read my blog! I had been asked by the AWO to help Janos. He is the Boss of my local AWO Centre and was representing  AWO at the ‘Lichtenberger Sozialtage’

This is a three day event to showcase many of the social projects in the district, many aimed at seniors and children. I arrived in time to take over the stand and let him take a lunch break.

It was nice to see how many children came to the stand and asked if they could take the sweets and balloons on display. Some even came back for more. Nice!  All I have to do now is vote tomorrow and wait for the results. Just like millions of other Europeans.