Now is the second day of December 2012. This month looks to be full of the same things as November, with the exception of three parties on the 19th. I shall have a happy and enjoyable evening of good food, wine with Marga on the 24th.
The highpoint of the month comes on the 27th when Marcel arrives in Berlin for a weeks stay to learn more German. More of this in later blog posts as the month goes by. Next Saturday there is an eltabb workshop followed by a Christmas party. I am going to a new presentation of Sylke’s photos, which opens next Thursday.
I start a new class on the 10th, which should run until the end of next April. On the 14th there is an eating session with my Photoshop Gang:-) The poor geese will loose their legs to provide the main staple for the menu:-( If you are in Berlin then, watch out for legless geese wobbling about!
We can also think about the growing number of people who will celebrate living on the street, no job, and with food from feeding centres throughout Europe. They can think about the bankers who will be sipping Champagne and wishing each other another fruitful year!
Who has a birthday in December? Michael N. in Marzahn starts the month with his birthday on the 5th. He will be 49. He recently sent photos of his trip to East Africa which I posted to share with you. Stefan, the leader of our Photoshop Gang, will be 52 on the 7th. My brother-in-law Geoff will celebrate his birthday on the 13th, Evie will be 6 on the 18th, Jördis hits 33 on the 19th, Julie B. in West Yorkshire will be 38 on the 20th, Neil in Sussex hits 66 on the 28th and will surely celebrate with Barbara and ‘The Lads’ with quantities of ‘Real Ale’. Ian in Sydney, Australia. will celebrate his 53rd with Birgit and so close this month of birthdays.
Happy Birthday each and all and have a wonderful day with your nearest and dearest!