Ian and Birgit are visiting friends in Berlin until Thursday when the fly off into the distant east. Ian called and asked if he could come over so I could help him to set up a blog. No problem – said I.
He wants to use a blog to keep in touch with family – friends in all corners of the world. Rather like me – and I still don’t know who reads my blog in Russia. Hello, add a comment, let us know who you are! Your name doesn’t begin with Pu… does it 🙂
We discussed the basics and that most of the work is in taking, editing and reducing photos for a blog. Writing and uploading them does not take so much time. Like me, Ian can type so we don’t need to spend and hour with two fingers raised over the keys plonking away.
I took these photos just to get them started. I then added a link to their blog at the bottom left of this blog.
Quick, quick …. Mike, Sylvia, Tony, Rita,Trish, Usma etc. click on my link then when their blog opens, add it to your Bookmarks list!
Proud of you Ian for jumping into the world of ‘blogging’ so easily yesterday! Of course lots of work such as a new header photo with both of you, but a great start.