You may recall that I changed the operating system (OS) on my Asus Eee PC a number of times. When I visited family Dickinson last year near Lewes, I loaded Ubuntu on my ‘Baby Asus’.
I only use this machine when I am travelling or in the class-room when there is no other machine available. I recently got some messages from Ubuntu warning me that there was not enough space when I wanted to download.
What was the solution to this problem? Yes, you guessed right. It was to replace Ubuntu with its lighter, smaller brother called ‘Xubuntu’ made for little old net-books like mine.
I borrowed the external drive from the Institute and wasted a lot of time yesterday trying to install it from a disc, then a download to my stick. They didn’t work!
Solution to problem = Stefan. I took the machine etc. to our Photoshop session and arrived early. Stefan looked it over and tried what I had done – with no success. Instead he went to one of the computers and downloaded Xubuntu from the web-page, burned to disc and then installed it onto my Baby.
All went well as I learnt how to play around with Berlin Bears in our lesson. At home I downloaded 184 updates for the OS, then had fun loading Adobe so that I could listen to BBC radio over the baby. From the photos, you can see that it works fine!
I only use this machine when I am travelling so it important that radio and skype work when I am on the move. So far I can get the Beeb loud and clear. I’ll download Skype tomorrow, when I have more time.
Thanks for your help Stefan and I learnt something more today, in addition to our photoshop lesson.