We ended Herren Tag wet but happy
From the ‘real’ picnic, under a giant tree which kept us dry, we cycled in a thunderstorm and finally reached a ‘Gaststätte’, near to Bernau, run by a friend of Larissa’s so we got good service and a discount.
Here you can see photos of us looking very wet and rather tired. We cheered up as the beers arrived and some of us added a few rounds of ‘Schnapps’ in the traditional way.
I end with pictures of Larissa, Nina and Petra with glasses of beer and one of Harald sinking a Schnapps with a Gummi-Bärchen.
There is one of me also sinking a traditional little bottle of Schnapps, which Andrew also tasted two years ago when he discovered the delights of Herren Tag. A great day and we were all happy even if wet!
Join us next year Andrew with Adele and Scarlett!